Saturday, November 05, 2005


Most people have probably heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. But I don't know many that have actually completed the battery of questions, which reduces your entire personality into four letters. My sister, an anomaly in many ways, can work her Myers-Briggs results into any conversation. "I would like the mandarin chicken salad, dressing on the side. And I'm an ENTJ."
Actually, my sister and her husband took this test as pre-marriage prep, in an effort to understand their differences. The idea is that, with this understanding, they'd be able to recognize and appreciate eachother's individuality, especially in times of stress- like during tax-season... or really bad traffic.
Chris and I have been together about a year now, and we've had a few disagreements along the way. He typically recovers from these lapses in clarity, recognizes the error of his ways and apologizes profusely. However, I've detected a pattern, and while I'm no Myers or Briggs, I would wager the Pontiac that Chris is an ISFJ.

I: Introverted- Yes... contrary to his former circuit days, when he used to hop around the club floor like a tick on a donkey, he's quite content to stay at home. Me too, if by "home" you mean "bar", "swimming pool", or "not home".

S: Sensing- Chris is realistic and practical. He's detailed and methodical. Let me cite an example- when his computer refused to boot-up last summer, he reformatted the hard-drive and re-installed MS Windows. Three times. In one week. I would have thrown the fucker in the pool if I had to re-install the mouse driver.

F: Feeling- I think this has to be a gay tendency thing? Both of us tend to make decisions based on personal values and feelings. Read: We can be hateful, evil bitches when we don't get our way.

J: Judging- We both like to live life in a planned, orderly way. Albeit some are more anal than others, making task lists and crossing them off. In fact, I might be so bold to say that some of us do the task, then write aforementioned task down on the list, just to get the orgasmic satisfaction of the cross-off. You people are sick. Seek help.

Myers-Briggs is by no means a compatibility test; it's merely a tool to assess the differences in the way that people focus their attention, absorb information, and make decisions. And yes, I copied that from the damn website. It's late and I'm tired.
So the next question to tackle would address how to effectively turn these differences into an advantage.
However these answers were on a subscription-only portion of the website and I'm a cheap bastard. I guess we've got the rest of our lives to figure out those answers the hard way.


Blogger jacob henry said...

speaking as an INTP, i really kinda feel like you guys both might benefit from less rigid life-views.

10:09 AM  
Blogger TRAYB said...

I had the whole battery of tests in college. I was an ENTP, with the emphasis on NT. The person tabulting my results told me that your scores will change over time — so an E in college can become an I by middle-age. I've certainly seen that happen with myself. Not that I'm middle-aged. Yet.

11:34 PM  

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